Back To The Bay


During my high school years, I had the privilege of serving as a photojournalist for our school's publication, which introduced me to the captivating world of photography. Capturing fleeting moments through the lens of a camera revealed to me the magnificent art form of preserving time. As a designer, I have integrated photography into my creative process, using it as a source of inspiration and a tool to fuel my imagination.

Initially, I felt insecure about using only a point-and-shoot camera while others had more advanced DSLR cameras, offering greater control over their shots. However, my perspective changed during a high school journalism conference. A keynote speaker quoted award-winning photographer Chase Jarvis:

"It's not about the bow and arrow, it's about the archer.
Remember, the best camera is the one you have with you."

This quote resonated with me deeply. I realized that the essence of photography isn't dictated by the equipment but by the photographer's vision and emotion.

Photography has given me the freedom to express myself and venture into new creative territories. Regardless of whether the image is captured with a DSLR, a smartphone, or even a disposable one, the true power of a photograph lies in how it reflects our emotions and perspectives. Each photo represents a unique perspective, frozen in time, capturing a slice of life as we choose to see it. To me, this is the essence and beauty of photography.

is my little collection of photographs shot on my iPhone during my time in Northern California a couple years ago. These photos have inspired me over the years. I hope they do the same to you.